jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Palabra de Rajoy

"España está intervenida y ayer en el Congreso la troika se hizo carne. Y vísceras. Y sangre. Nada se salva de la tijera, tampoco la imagen de Rajoy, que sale del Parlamento cruzado de costurones. No hay crítica más letal contra el Gobierno que las que fueron sus propias palabras hace no tanto. Subir el IVA es "un disparate en tiempos de crisis", "afecta fundamentalmente a pensionistas y parados", es "la puntilla para nuestro comercio, nuestro turismo y nuestra industria". Bajar el sueldo a los funcionarios es "recortar los derechos de los más débiles". "Yo no soy como usted, que le subió el IVA a la gente y no lo llevaba en su programa", le dijo Rajoy a Rubalcaba en el debate electoral, en noviembre. "Yo lo que no llevo en mi programa no lo hago"." http://www.elperiodicoextremadura.com/noticias/temadeldia/palabra-de-rajoy-_666630.html  12 de julio de 2012

martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Inglés Específico I - Unit 2 - unit closing tasks

Last tasks for unit no. 2:

TASK: presentation (exercises 17 and 18, page 21 of coursebook) about a famous tourist destination.

** preparation tasks:

* a blog on the presentation topic
that should have a link in the team blog (all links in only one new entry).
It should be ready by 8th April.

* An outline with the chosen destination and main ideas and detailed subpoints
to be handed in class on Tuesday 23 of March.

* 2 mp3-file voice recordings of your practiced presentation (the second one with improvements).
to be handed in through one USB memory stick per team, with all the team members's recordings in one folder to be copied to the teacher's laptop in class on Wednesday 7th April.

**Presentation: Friday 9 April.

TASK: vocabulary test:
in class on Tuesday 23 March.
Which will include vocabulary from:
* coursebook unit 2 - Destinations
* material handed out on Monfragüe, Extremadura, etc.
* entry on FIO and Monfragüe trip by teacher on blog extremadurafieldtrips.blogspot.com

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Inglés Específico I - 1st computer room lesson - F2

Hi! Welcome to today's lesson.

In teams you will have to download the following zipped file to unzip it and use the three files with information on Extremadura and Monfragüe. The link to the zipped file is the following:


Second you will have to use the following set of ICT tools, in teams:

* a team blog
* a conceptual map
* online dictionaries and encyclopedias
* pdf and power point files

Your task will consist in:

* reading the material
* labour division
* install and practice the basics of CmapTools
* make a conceptual map of the most important concepts as guides to the North of Extremdura.
* Export your team cmap and embed it into your team blog for teacher assessment.

I'll be there for any enquires and help.

Good luck!

martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Address to my 1st year Tourism students

Hi, everybody,

this is a mere post rather than an address, but, you know, it sounds much nicer to call it an "address" :-)

Well, the purpose of this post is to remind you that you can be part of a community of bloggers that is intended to revolve around the topics dealt with in our course Primer Idioma I - Inglés.

The volunteer piece of work consists in creating your own personal blog in English. Once you have created it, you need to post your answer to this post, and remember to include a link to your own newly created blog.

The contents you can write about, or "video about", can be any topic dealt with in class. For example, you can give a summary of the presentation that you gave in class on the touristic development of your local areas. Or record a video showing what you want: for example, a video of your participation in this year's Carnival, where in English you explain something about it. Then, if you upload it to YouTube, you can then include it in your post, as I did with a video I took in Botija (Cáceres province, Extremadura, Spain) of a nice little bird, a kingfisher, in this post: Botija Kingfisher (Martín Pescador, Alcedo Atthis) video.

Or you could have your say regarding the environmental threats looming over the natural heritage of Extremadura, particularly as future professionals of the tourist sector.

A sense of contributing to others could also encourage you to offer links to pages for learning English, finding jobs, good readings of English and Tourism, or any other links that are useful for you and you want to share as possibly useful for your classmates.

It will be interesting that you link the blogs or particular posts of other students in the posts to your own blogs, so that we can have a community around the main goal of using English in relation to our common interest in tourism.

This will all be taken into account when assessing your learning in our course.

Let's keep "blogged" up around one word you all now know how to pronounce, or do you?:

My own contribution to this community will be through my blog Extremadura Field Trips, which you alredy know about.

All the best,


domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

Field trips in Extremadura

My new blog on Nature: Field trips.

Have a look at my new blog on my breaks to paradise: the wild in Extremadura, Spain. I hope you enjoy what I love sharing.