viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Inglés Específico I - 1st computer room lesson - F2

Hi! Welcome to today's lesson.

In teams you will have to download the following zipped file to unzip it and use the three files with information on Extremadura and Monfragüe. The link to the zipped file is the following:

Second you will have to use the following set of ICT tools, in teams:

* a team blog
* a conceptual map
* online dictionaries and encyclopedias
* pdf and power point files

Your task will consist in:

* reading the material
* labour division
* install and practice the basics of CmapTools
* make a conceptual map of the most important concepts as guides to the North of Extremdura.
* Export your team cmap and embed it into your team blog for teacher assessment.

I'll be there for any enquires and help.

Good luck!